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North House Offering Classes on Northwoods Cuisine and Soba Noodles

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North House Folk School will be offering two classes on foods at the end of July. WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke with instructor Eric Edgin about these classes on North Shore Morning.

Northwoods Cuisine: A Wild Culinary & Ecological Experience
Fri, Jul 25, 2014 - Sat, Jul 26, 2014

Course Details:
Length in days:1 1/2
Hours: Day 1: 5pm-9pm, Day 2: 10am-5pm
Levels:Beginner to Advanced

Soba: Preparing Japanese-Style Buckwheat Noodles
Sun, Jul 27, 2014

Course Details:
Length in days:1
Hours: 9am-5pm

Instructor: Eric Edgin

Eric grew up in rural southern Illinois fishing, hunting, foraging, and gardening as a way of life. He has continued to build on the skills and knowledge of his roots by attending a naturopathic school, woodworking and teaching self-sufficient food classes, harvesting his own food, and perfecting food preservation and fermentation methods from around the world in a local context.

(Photo from North House Folk School)