MnDOT announces 2013 state road construction program
ST PAUL, Minn.— More than 300 construction projects scheduled for 2013 are designed to improve highways, bridges and other state transportation infrastructure.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation announced today $1.1 billion will be spent on the state transportation system this year.
The construction program includes work on 87 projects in the Twin Cities and 193 projects in Greater Minnesota. An additional 57 projects statewide will improve safety at railroad crossings, repair seawalls and docks, make improvements on runways and terminals at regional airports, and improve transit centers.
On Hwy 61, reconstruction of the rest area at Tettegouche State Park headquarters continues, and five and a half miles will be reconstructed at Little Marais. Center rumble strips will be installed at Silver Creek Tunnel and other various resurfacing projects will take place on the roadway.