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Learn about 'Cartooning in the Digital Age' - September 4

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The Grand Marais Public Library will be hosting cartoonist Bill Barnes on Thursday, September 4th.  WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke with Bill on North Shore Morning.
‘Cartooning in the Digital Age’

Thursday, 9/4/14, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
On his 13 month family road trip around the United States Bill Barnes will share his writing, drawing and publishing expertise with us!
Making comic strips might just be the funnest job in the world, and thanks to the Internet it's easier than ever to put your work in front of potential readers. In this two-hour program, veteran cartoonist Bill Barnes (Unshelved, Not Invented Here) will show you how to make comic strips, publish them on the web, and maybe make some money too!

The first hour, The Basics of Cartooning, is a fast and fun workshop for middle schoolers through adult, covering every step in creating a comic strip: creating memorable characters, writing dialog, lettering, pencilling, inking, and coloring.

The second hour, The Technology and Business of Cartooning, is oriented towards mature teens and adults. Bill describes how he uses computers to create and publish comic strips to the Internet, and describes how he makes money doing it.

Join us for either or both hours to hone your skills or just enjoy the journey of a published cartoonist!
Patsy Ingebrigtsen
Juvenile & Reference Librarian
Grand Marais Public Library
[email protected]