Join the first 'Walking School Bus' of the school year: September 3
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SafeRoutes School_Webb.mp3 | 5.79 MB |
It's the start of the school year, and there are new signs posted around Grand Marais advising drivers to 'Slow Down and Smile - Kids on the Move,' in addition to a Walking School Bus. WTIP volunteer Mary Manning spoke with the Safe Routes to School coordinator, Maren Webb, on North Shore Morning.
Walking School Buses are groups of people walking or biking to school together, organized by Cook County Safe Routes to School. The Walking School Buses (WSB) in Grand Marais meet in three locations:
- West WSB leaves at 7:20 a.m. from 8th Ave. West & 2nd Street (passes Birchwood Apts on the way to school)
- Central WSB leaves at 7:20 a.m. from the Courthouse Parking Lot.
- East WSB leaves at 7:30 a.m. from 7th Ave. East & County Rd 7.
Each WSB stops at ISD 166 and GES on time for school to begin. If the student normally gets a ride to school, come in a little early to meet at one of the WSB locations and walk or bike to school with friends! Law enforcement and local community leaders will accompany each WSB. Volunteers are always needed; please contact Safe Routes to School Coordinator Maren at [email protected] or 387-2330 if you are able to help or have questions.
While every day is a great day to walk or bike to school, every Wednesday this fall will be a Walking/Biking Wednesday! See the designated walking and biking to school routes on the updated Safe Routes to School Map. Other Walking School Buses this fall will be on October 8th and November 19th.
The Safe Routes to School group has been active in Cook County for several years. This year, a new visible addition in the community is the “Slow Down and Smile! Kids on the Move!” lawn signs (see attached photo) that are popping up around Grand Marais (and across Cook County and Grand Portage).
For more information on routes, visit or contact Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Maren Webb, at 387-2330.