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Isle Royale's cultural resources: an interview with Timothy Cochrane, NPS

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Isle Royale National Park has begun public scoping for a Cultural Resource Management Plan (CRMP) and Environmental Assessment (EA), which will address the general management, preservation, public use, and interpretation of cultural resources island-wide.  The process begins this week with a series of public "listening sessions" and is expected to take two years.
Isle Royale's cultural resources reflect 4500 years of human endeavor and include: prehistoric mining and occupation sites, American Indian and Euro-American historic mining and fishery sites, lighthouses, shipwrecks, and historic resorts and summer homes.
Timothy Cochrane is Superintendent at Grand Portage National Monument and has extensive knowledge of the cultural resources at Isle Royale.  In this segment, WTIP reporter Carah Thomas interviews him about the island's history and some of the issues surrounding the Park Service's current Cultural Resources Management Plan initiative.  The interview was broadcast live during the Tuesday, November 30 A.M. Community Calender program.