Historical Society storytelling event Saturday at ACA
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Grand Portage Ojibwe elder Billy Blackwell will share his knowledge of local history and co-host the event with Cook County Historical Society Director Carrie McHugh.
(Click on audio mp3 above to hear an interview with Billy Blackwell and Carrie McHugh.)
This two hour event will feature a panel of guest speakers, including Tim Cochrane on the Early History of the Region, Victor Aubid on Ojibwe Migrations, Milt Powell on Saganaga Lake and Blackstone, Alta McQuatters on the Lutsen Area & White Sky, Sue Kerfoot will share Gunflint Lake Stories, Chester Lindskog on A Changing County, and Gene Erickson with Fantastic Facts & Figures.
There will also be a display of historically-themed original art by: Alice Powell, Jan Attridge, David Hahn, and Heidi Sobanja.
The event will last about 2 hours and snacks will be served afterwards. More information is available from Historical Society director Carrie McHugh at 387-2883, or by email - [email protected].
(Photo courtesy the Minnesota Historical Society)