Grand Portage voters elect two new members to RTC
Grand Portage residents headed to the polls yesterday to vote in a special general election. There were two candidates running for the Reservation Tribal Council (RTC) secretary-treasurer seat which was vacated by a resignation. Unofficial results show April (Clearwater-Day) McCormick received 170 votes to challenger Rob Hull’s 150 votes. Hull was elected to the RTC Committeeman II seat in March 2010 and has been serving as acting secretary-treasurer.
Arvid Dahl took the Committeeman II seat vacated by Hull, with 201 votes to Christina “Tina” Deschampe’s 120 votes.
The Grand Portage Reservation Tribal Council is the governing body of the reservation. Among other duties, the council oversees health care, social services, education, jobs, housing and public safety.