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Gary Siesennop

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Gary Siesennop has been a Cook County resident since March 1980. He has enjoyed photographing birds, other wildlife species and scenery in the western half of the United States since 1971. He purchased his first 35mm SLR film camera and telephoto lenses in 1976 when he lived in Ely, MN. The very first images he captured with that camera were of a wolf he observed hunting along a woodland stream near the Kawishiwi River. Being interested in everything about lake trout, he used cameras to document some of his work as a Fisheries Research Biologist for MN Dept. of Natural Resources.  He’s been retired since July 2007. Some of his favorite photographic haunts include mountainous regions of MT, WY, OR, WA, AK, HA and more recently in AZ and CO, and, of course MN, WI and Ontario. He also enjoys photographing WW II and other classic aircraft, especially when they are taking off, landing or flying.