Forest Service reopens some BWCAW routes, others remain closed
Due to successful suppression of the Parley Lake and Hoist Bay wildfires by fire crews over the weekend, the US Forest Service announced Monday evening that it has re-opened the areas adjacent to these two fires inside the Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness which had been closed for public safety.
The route along the US/Canada border and area surrounding Ottertrack, Knife, and adjacent lakes will remain closed while the Emerald Lake/Fort Frances #59 continues to actively burn on the Canadian side of the border. The details and a map are on the Superior National Forest Website.
Rain predicted for the area did not materialize. Conditions continue dry across the Forest and fire danger remains very high. Campfires continue to be restricted to the hours between 7 pm and midnight across the entire BWCAW. Everyone is asked to be extremely careful with all fire outdoors due to the dry conditions.
The Fort Frances #59/Emerald Lake Fire, between Knife Lake and Emerald Lake, is estimated at 525 acres, and continues to actively burn on the Canadian side of the border. Forest Service crews are monitoring this fire and are prepared to actively support Canadian fire crews as needed.
The Parley Lake was discovered on September 12 and had burned a total of 35 acres along the Beartrap River before 100% containment early evening on 9/16/12. Fire crews will continue to reinforce fire line and patrol the fire.
The Hoist Bay Fire burned 2 1/2 acres between Hoist and Back Bay of Basswood Lake before being declared out yesterday afternoon. Details regarding closures, restrictions and conditions on the Superior National Forest, are available at:
Information regarding fire conditions and restrictions across Minnesota, can be found the Minnesota Interagency Fire Information website at: