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Falk will not seek another term as sheriff

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Late this week Mark Falk announced he will not be seeking re-election as Cook County Sheriff in 2014 and will be retiring from law enforcement at the end of his term, in January of 2015.   

In a statement, Falk said, “Part of being a leader is recognizing and knowing when to move on and to allow someone else to come in with enthusiasm and fresh ideas.”  

He said that his office is full of competent individuals who maintain a high level of professionalism, and the time has come to let someone else with the energy and enthusiasm to lead the office into the future.

“I want to thank the citizens of this great community for the trust, confidence, and support they have shown me over the years as a public servant, but especially as their sheriff,” said Falk.  He added that it has been an honor and privilege to serve Cook County.