Early season wolf hunting closing today in Northeast Zone
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is closing the wolf hunting for the rest of the early season in the Northeast Zone at the end of shooting hours today.
The Northeast Zone covers the Arrowhead region.
The quota of wolves killed in the Northeast Zone during the early season had been set at 58 wolves. Fifty-seven were registered when DNR initiated season closure. The East-Central Zone was closed a few days ago after eight of the nine wolves set by the target were registered.
DNR large carnivore specialist Dan Stark says the Northwest Zone remains open through this Sunday, November 18, in 100 series deer permit areas. The season closed last Sunday in 200 series deer permit areas. Hunters with permits for closed zones are allowed to hunt wolves in the northwest zone during the early season while it remains open.
Hunters in all zones have registered a total of 125 wolves so far. The quota had been set 200 wolves for the early season. The late season starts on November 24 and ends January 31. A total of 200 wolves were set as the quota for the hunters and trappers during the late season. Any licenses not bought for the late season by lottery winners at the end of today will go on sale Monday to hunters and trappers who didn’t win the lottery,