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Dr. Seth Moore - Grand Portage Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife and Environment

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the far northeast corner of Minnesota, on the rocky North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. The Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues.  Dr. Seth Moore is a wildlife biologist at Grand Portage Trust Lands.

What's On:

Dr. Seth Moore: Fisheries science and kids

Seth_Moore_at_Hatchery_finalcut_20120314.mp34.17 MB

March 14, 2012

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site on beautiful Grand Portage Bay.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing natural resource projects, as well as other environmental and health related issues of concern.

In this segment, Dr. Moore leads a fisheries science experiment at the band's Native Fish Hatchery with students from Oshki Ogimaag Charter School in Grand Portage.  Produced by Carah Thomas.

(Click on Audio mp3 above to hear this feature.)


Dr. Seth Moore: Confusing Fish Names

Seth_Moore_Finalcut_FishNames_20120222.mp35.71 MB

February 22, 2012

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site with spectacular northwoods Lake Superior shoreline.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Seth Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing natural resource projects, as well as other environmental and health related issues of concern.

In this segment, Dr. Moore talks about confusing Lake Superior fish names.  Produced by Carah Thomas.

Photo by Carah Thomas


Dr. Seth Moore: Mercury in the Environment - Part II

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January 25, 2012

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site with spectacular northwoods Lake Superior shoreline.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Seth Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing natural resource projects, as well as other environmental and health related issues of concern.

This is the second in a two-part discussion on mercury in the environment and the role of compact fluorescent lightbulbs in reducing electricity usage.  Produced by Carah Thomas.

Photo via Wikimedia Commons


Dr. Seth Moore: Mercury in the Environment - Part I

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January 11, 2012

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site with spectacular northwoods Lake Superior shoreline.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing projects.

In this segment, Dr. Moore talks about mercury in the environment.  This is the first in a two-part series.  Produced by Carah Thomas.

Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons


Dr. Seth Moore: Restoring Native Fish Species - Part II

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December 28, 2011

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site with spectacular northwoods Lake Superior shoreline.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing projects.

In this segment, Dr. Moore talks about the band's efforts to restore native fish species to Lake Superior and inland lakes on the reservation.  This is the second in a two part series.  Produced by Carah Thomas.


Dr. Seth Moore: Restoring Native Fish Species - Part I

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December 14, 2011

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site with spectacular northwoods Lake Superior shoreline.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing projects.

In this segment, Dr. Moore talks about the band's efforts to restore native fish species to Lake Superior and inland lakes on the reservation.  Produced by Carah Thomas.


Dr. Seth Moore: Moose & Wolf Studies at Grand Portage

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October 26, 2011

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site with spectacular northwoods Lake Superior shoreline.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing projects.

In this segment, Dr. Moore talks about two studies currently underway at Grand Portage Trust Lands; one tracking moose via satellite radio collars, and another analyzing wolf scat to determine prey species.   Produced by Carah Thomas.

Photo courtesy Grand Portage Trust Lands


Dr. Seth Moore: Alternative Energy, Stream Restoration, and Youth Education

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October 12, 2011

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site with spectacular northwoods Lake Superior shoreline.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing projects.

In this segment, Dr. Moore talks about looking at alternative energy for Grand Portage, including biomass and wind energy, water quality testing, restoration of Red Rock Creek, and working with students from Oshki Ogimaag Community School.  Produced by Carah Thomas.

Wind turbine photo by Harvey McDaniel via Wikimedia Commons


Dr. Seth Moore: Climate Change - Part II

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September 28, 2011

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site with spectacular northwoods Lake Superior shoreline.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing projects.

This is the second of two segments on climate change.  Produced by Carah Thomas.


Dr. Seth Moore: Climate Change - Part I

Finalcut_Seth_Moore_ClimateChange_20110914.mp310.06 MB

September 14, 2011

Dr. Seth Moore is Director of Biology and Environment with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

The Grand Portage Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Cook County. Bordered on the north by Canada, on the south and east by Lake Superior and on the west by Grand Portage State Forest, the reservation encompasses a historic fur trade site with spectacular northwoods Lake Superior shoreline.

The band engages in fisheries and wildlife research projects throughout the year, working with moose, wolves, fish, deer, grouse, and environmental issues. Dr. Moore appears regularly on WTIP North Shore Community Radio's A.M. Calendar program, talking about the band's current and ongoing projects.

In this segment, Dr. Moore talks about climate change.  Produced by Carah Thomas.

Photo from Wikimedia Commons: A schematic showing the regions where natural disasters will occur due to climate change. The schematic was based on the Environmentally Induced Migration map from GRID Arendal ( ). Although the map was deleted by GRID Arendal (see ,,1518,757713,00.html ) due to the fact that the number of refugees was incorrect, the map itself did not show the migration (it showed only the areas where natural disasters would occur) and hence remained accurate. It has now been uploaded to wikimedia commons for the benefit of some climate-change related articles at wikipedia. Note that a list of islands nations which will be submerged within a decade or so can be found online, ie at , ... The fact btw why the number of refugees wasn't correct (of not importance to the image, but perhaps intresting to know) can in part also be blamed on the fact that the adaption of the people themselves can't be accuratly predicted, see also: