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Do You Have an Idea for a Great Place?

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What makes a Great Place? -- A place that is inviting, beautiful, and catches the eye.  A Great Place encourages people to slow down and spend time there. A Great Place reflects the unique character and identity of the community. To help enhance and create these great places, Moving Matters and the Cook County Chamber of Commerce will give out seed grants of $250-$1,000 to folks in Cook County or Grand Portage.

The Great Place Race is a friendly, local competition for mini-grants to use high impact, low cost ideas to create great places in our communities.

Projects need to be completed by July 31, 2014 and be put in place by the applicant.  The mini-grant can cover the cost of items like planters, plants, paint, signs, chairs, public art, community gardens, bike racks, and much more.
The short, simple application is available online at or paper copies available at the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic front desk.

WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke with Kristin DeArruda Wharton of Moving Matters and Jim Boyd of the Chamber of Commerce to learn more.

(Photo by Jeremy Lopez on Flickr)