County-wide election opportunities are many in 2014
If you’re thinking of running for office in Cook County, it might not be too soon put those thoughts in order. Filing for most offices starts on May 20 and closes on June 3. If you have thoughts about running for school board or city offices, you have until July 29 to decide before filing opens, and closes August 12.
There are three county commissioner seats up for election --Commissioner Districts 1 (currently held by Jan Hall), 3 (currently Sue Hakes) and 5 (held by Bruce Martinson).
Sheriff Mark Falk will not seek reelection, The County Attorney position us up as are County Recorder and Auditor-Treasurer.
Three seats on the North Shore Hospital board are also up for election -- Dist 1 (seat held by Sharon Bloomquist), Dist 3 ( held by Howard Abrahamson) and Dist 5 (currently Tom Spence).
Soil & Water Conservation Districts 2 (Jim Hall) and 4 (David Berglund) are in play this year.
For ISD166 School Board, three positions will be up for election -- Districts 1 (Deb White), 3 (Ann Sullivan) and 5 (Jeanne Anderson). Sullivan was appointed to the board after Mary Sanders resigned because of moving out of her district.