CarePartners offerings
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Care Partners has a lot to offer. WTIP volunteer Sherrie Lindskog spoke with Kay Grindland of Care Partners on North Shore Morning.
Care Partners’ Caregivers Support Group will now be held every 2nd Wednesday of the month, from 11 am – 12:30 pm at the Fireside Room of the Congregational Church. Vicky Biggs and Tyler Howell will be the group facilitators.
The next Caregivers’ Group will be Feb 12.
Care Partners’ Group Respite Program is held at the same time & location to give you more freedom to join the group. You could bring your loved one to the lower level of the church at 11 am, attend the support group and still have time for errands before you pick them up at 3 pm. Participants must pre-register so call Jeannette if you are interested at 387-3787.
The Group Respite is held twice a month to offer a safe and enjoyable social setting for seniors with early memory loss or other long term illness. This gives the family caregiver several hours of independent time. It is held the 2nd Wednesday & 4th Friday from 11 am to 3 pm at the lower level of the Congregational Church. Participants must preregister with Care Partners.
Other upcoming programs:
Care Partners Companion Volunteer Training will be held March 3, 4 and 11 from 4:30 pm to 8 pm for those who want to provide friendly visits, respite care, or presence at end of life.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers will be offered for six Thursdays beginning March 20 from 5 -7:30 pm.
Care Partners at 387-3788, [email protected]