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Campfire restrictions in the Northeast are back in force

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  • warning: Division by zero in /home/wtip/ on line 109.

Fire danger across Minnesota currently ranges from high to extreme.  This means that wildfires can easily start and spread quickly.

To reduce the potential for new wildfires; State, tribal, local, and federal land managers are implementing fire restrictions statewide.

Effective 12:01 am, Oct. 7, building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire, charcoal fire or wood-burning stove is prohibited anywhere on national forest lands within the boundaries of the Chippewa National Forest and Superior National Forest . 

The only exception is within constructed steel fire grates provided by the Forest Service at fee-for-use campgrounds.  Gas or propane camp stoves may be used anywhere on the national forests. 
In addition, DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr has also ordered restrictions on open burning on state lands. Open burning will be allowed only for special exceptions by the county, state or federal agency that has permitting responsibility.

Recreational or campfires will only be allowed in a designated fire receptacle at a home, campground or resort.

Fire crews are working to control a new wildfire in northwestern Minnesota while crews continue work on the Pagami Creek Fire in the northeast.

In the interest of public safety, some areas on the Superior National Forest near the Pagami Creek Fire remain closed.