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Calling Science Educators -- Real Stories in Research: The Lake Superior Edition

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Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center near Finland is hosting two workshop for educators on Friday, November 15.  The workshops are part the Science Institute for Educators’ series.  WTIP spoke with Minnesota Sea Grant education specialist Marte Kitson about the series.

(Click on audio mp3 above to hear the interview.)

The workshop series is also being offered at the Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth.  
More information and registration available at

2013-2014 Science Institute – Real Stories in Research: the Lake Superior Edition
Workshop 1 - Planning & Design 
Is the Lake Superior Food Web Balanced?
Presented by E J Isaac, Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 4-6 p.m. at Great Lakes Aquarium (353 Harbor Dr., Duluth, Minn.)
Friday, Nov. 15, 12-2 p.m. at Wolf Ridge ELC (6282 Cranberry Rd., Finland, Minn.)
Workshop 2 - Collecting
Bringing the Forest to the Fish        
Presented by Bethany Bethke, MNDNR
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 4-6 p.m. at Great Lakes Aquarium
Friday, Nov. 15, 2:30-4:30 p.m. at Wolf Ridge ELC
Workshop 3 - Modeling
Changing Design of Culverts Over Time     
Presented by Jessica Olson, Barr Engineering
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 4-6 p.m. at Great Lakes Aquarium
Friday, Feb. 7, 12-2 p.m. at Wolf Ridge ELC
Workshop 4 – Measuring
Artificial Stream Simulation in Natural Settings
Presented by Jason Butcher, US Forest Service
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 4-6 p.m. at Great Lakes Aquarium
Friday, Feb. 7, 2:30-4:30 p.m. at Wolf Ridge ELC
Workshop 5- Visualizing
Understanding the Evolution of North Shore Streams
Presented by Dr. Karen Gran, UMD Geological Sciences Department and Natural Resource Research Institute
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 4-6 p.m. at Great Lakes Aquarium
Friday, Mar. 28, 12-2 p.m. at Wolf Ridge ELC
Workshop 6 - Synthesizing & Communicating
Fish CSI: Connecting the Dots         
Presented by Joel Hoffman, USEPA, UMD
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 4-6 p.m. at Great Lakes Aquarium
Friday, Mar. 28, 2:30-4:30 p.m. at Wolf Ridge ELC
