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News and information, interviews, weather, upcoming events, music, school news, and many special features. North Shore Morning includes our popular trivia question - Pop Quiz! The North Shore Morning program is the place to connect with the people, culture and events of our region!


What's On:
Paradise Beach by Stephan Hoglund

North Woods Naturalist: Winds and waves

WTIP’s CJ Heithoff talks with naturalist Chel Anderson about the recent big winds in our area and how that affects our lakes in this edition of North Woods Naturalist.


Throat singers Nina Segalowitz and Taqralik Partridge - Photo courtesy of Sivertson Gallery

Sivertson Gallery busy with Inuit Premiere

Throat singers Nina Segalowitz and Taqralik Partridge will again help Sivertson’s Gallery in Grand Marais celebrate its Inuit Premiere. The women will perform at 3 p.m. on Friday, October 26 at North House Folk School and at 1and 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct 27 at Sivertson Gallery. 

Throat singing is a traditional activity of the people of Nunavik, Canada. Often two women perform together and combine rhythmic tones from both inhaling and exhaling.
Taqralik Partridge is an Inuit poet and spoken word artist from Kuujuak, Canada. She describes throat singing as a game, “You have two people who play with each other and echo each other and the object of the game is to make the other person stop either by exhaustion, laughing or losing the rhythm.”
Nina Segalowitz was born in the far north and grew up in Montreal. She says, “Throat singing is for me a way to bridge two worlds.” She has performed as a throat singer for over 20 years. 

To find out what else is happening during the Inuit gathering, see the complete events schedule here.

WTIP volunteer Jane Alexander learns more about the gathering in this interview. 



Superior National Forest Update - October 19, 2018

National Forest Update – October 18, 2018.
Hi.  I’m Renee Frahm, Visitor Information Specialist with the Superior National Forest.  This is our weekly National Forest Update, useful information for anyone planning a trip out into the woods.  From trucks to birds to leaves, we’ve got it all.
If the snow wasn’t a dead giveaway, let me tell you that it is getting colder outside.  To protect our water systems, we’ve shut the water off in all of our campgrounds now.  That means that campgrounds in the Gunflint and Tofte Districts are not collecting fees, with the exception of East Bearskin Campground where water is still available from the nearby lodge building.  It’s been cold enough that there was actually a fairly good amount of ice on some of the lakes recently, so we’ve also pulled our docks from boat landings.  The ramp is of course still there, but you’d better bring some tall waterproof boots and a towel if you are planning a fishing trip. 
The fall color season is past peak, but there is still some color in the woods.  Crisp sunny fall days when the leaves have fallen are perfect for getting outside and sitting on a rock in the sun.  As you sit there, you’ll notice that there are a lot of hawks migrating along the shore.  On October 17th, observers at Hawk Ridge in Duluth counted 1377 red-tailed hawks go past.  Several Forest Service employees noticed a huge flock of crows that same day, 200 or so birds all working their way south.  While some birds will travel far south, past the Gulf of Mexico, crows and hawks are short distance migrants, stopping when the food supply increases.  Little dark-eyed juncos are passing through in large numbers too right now, and snow buntings are beginning to show up as well.
If your idea of birding involves firearms and a roast goose or a grouse dinner at the end, the fallen leaves make the game easier to spot.  For grouse and other upland species, remember that firing from a vehicle or across a road is not legal, and for waterfowl, be sure to use non-lead shot.  That’s actually a good idea for any hunting.  Lead is poisonous, and shot that gets into the environment and is eaten can kill.  For example, lead poisoning has been shown to be one of the leading causes of death in adult loons.  Finally, regardless of what you are hunting, or even if you are hunting, make sure you and your dog have your orange on.  It’s good to be seen.
We had said the leaves have fallen, but what do you do with the ones that have fallen in your yard?  Composting is the best answer, either in your own pile or at the yard waste composting area at the recycling centers in Grand Marais or Silver Bay.  If you feel you need to burn leaves, check the regulations.  You will need a burning permit when there is less than three inches of snow on the ground, and other restrictions may apply depending on where you are.  Also, check your common sense.  If there are gale force winds, it is never a good idea to light that match.  Brush may be disposed of at several gravel pit locations which you can find through the Firewise Brush Disposal website.  These brush piles are burned by Forest Service and Fire Department crews under controlled circumstances.
Falling leaves certainly pose no barriers to log trucks.  They can be found using the Frank Lake Road, Trappers Lake Road, Dumbell River Road, the Wanless Road, Lake County 7, the 4 Mile Grade, the Grade, Caribou Trail, Murmur Creek Road, and the Hall Road.  Watch for trucks on those roads, and be prepared to pull to the side to let them go by.
Don’t let your MEA weekend go by without some kind of outdoor time.  This looks like it could be a beautiful late fall weekend to get out and enjoy the last bit of color. 
Until next week, this has been Renee Frahm with the National Forest Update.


Photo via Aberdeen Uni Web Team

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - October 19, 2018

Wildersmith on the Gunflint     by     Fred Smith       October 19, 2018    

It’s Sunday evening once again, and as I begin this weeks’ Gunflint report, the weather outside, remains frightful, for October that is. A couple days of predicted sunshine have failed to materialize, but we Gunflinters’ are hopeful for a warm reprieve before the real thing sets in for the next six months.                                                                                                                                        

As last weeks’ scoop hit the airwaves, this neck of the woods hit an early trifecta of snow. Our third snow in three weeks blanketed the area with autumn not even a month old on the calendar. The white stuff even hung around on the cooling earth for a couple of days before rain and above thirty-two finally did it in.                                                                                                                                             

So the “fall” look is back to normal, although the first color phase of the season took a beating with snow, sleet, rain, and wind. Leaves have been falling like snow, leaving a good deal of the forest with skeletal remains lurking overhead. If I had a nickel for every needle and golden token in the yard, the “National Debt” would be reduced to zero. Fortunately for us woodsy residents, we are not concerned about raking.                                                                                                                              

Our second act of this colorful bounty is jumping out at us in flaming torches of golden lace. Of course, I’m talking, “Tamarack time.” These magnificent, needle dropping conifers have seemingly turned on overnight. In select locations along the byway, they are simply breath-taking, nestled in between their evergreen cousins and nearly naked, deciduous neighbors. To capture this beauty, a trip out this way with a digital recording device will favor an exceptional reward.                                                                                                                                                   

Speaking of more photo-ops, I’ve recently been made aware of an unusual happening along a back country road. While hiking in search of the perfect autumnal scene, this fellow had a critter whisk by alongside his path.                                                                                                                           

Startled at first, he was surprised at a Lynx coming so close. Furthermore, the close encounter with nature was more remarkable, when the Canadian cat stopped a short distance away, sat down and gave him a curious look.                                                                                                      

Well, he was in the woods for picture taking, so that he did while the cat remained, posing and of course, trusting this two-legged creature was only shooting a camera. What a rare opportunity!                                                                                                                                                                            

Another familiar “wild neighborhood” critter paid the Smith’s a visit Sunday. When we least expected it, “piney” the marten cruised down our deck rail. Sorry to say, there were no treats available.  Due to bears having not crashed for the winter, I’m not tempting Bruno’s up onto the deck with treats intended for other animals.                                                                                         

One thing I know is this marten was no stranger to the place as it went right to where its’ goodies are always kept.  Sorry, I was not able to accommodate, but it will no doubt be back.                                                                                                                                                   

The neighborhood fox has been getting more consistent in daily visits of late. However, there were a couple days when I was busy indoors and did not get outside to please him, so he left obviously disappointed. In telling the next door neighbors about missing “Foxy's” feeding time, they told me not to worry as it came up their driveway on one of those days with some actual wild game in its mouth. A red squirrel had filled the bill.                                                                           

On a somber note, the Gunflint Lake shore residents are saddened with the passing of two long-time friends and neighbors. Marge Estle of Lake Villa, Illinois passed on September 14, and Bud Beyer of Glenview, Illinois passed on October 8th. Marge, 99, was a seasonal resident in the summer home group and served as secretary of the Gunflint Lake Property Owners Association for many years. Bud, 78, lived seasonally on North Gunflint Lake Road and will always be remembered for his kind and gentle ways. The Gunflint Lake Community extends condolences to their family and many friends.                                                                                                                                   

Once again, times are crazy exciting around the WTIP studios and a few other venues around the county. The All-Star radio ssss-port drive is into its second full day of activity. WTIP hopes you will return to action as a member of the team.                                                                                   

If some of you listeners have been in the UP state (unable to Pledge) and never joined this phenomenal team, there’s still a spot on the active roster, and it’s time to get on board!                     

All it takes is a quick call on the phone, 1-800-473-9847; a click on “pledge now” at; or better yet, stop by the studios at 1712 West Highway 61 and get your name posted on the line-up page, with a pledge of support. WTIP needs you, be an All-Star patron now and forever!                                                                                                                                                                            

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, and wonders in the natural world are un-ending!



Great Expectations School News - October 19, 2018

Tristan and Sol give us the Great Expectation School News.
October 19, 2018



Birch Grove Elementary - School News - October 17, 2018

Birch Grove Elementary School News with Niranjan, Whitney and Dayne.
October 17, 2018



Tammy Schotzko - From Clutter to Calm

CJ Heithoff talks with Tammy Schotzko, aka "The House Whisperer".

"From Calm to Clutter" is the theme of two programs that the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic is sponsoring on October 24th and 25th.
Tammy Schotzko is a Certified Professional Organizer and will offer strategies for families of pre-schoolers and elementary-age children on Wednesday, October 24th.
On Thursday, October 25th, she'll focus on "tweens" and teens. Both programs are free and will be held at the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic classroom from 5:30 to 7 pm. 

RSVPs to [email protected]  or  218-387-2330.



North Woods Naturalist: Wind

Wind has certainly been in the headlines locally this month.  WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with naturalist Chel Anderson about the perhaps, surprising, importance of wind to our forest ecosystems in this edition of North Woods Naturalist.



Wildersmith on the Gunflint - October 12, 2018

Wildersmith on the Gunflint     by     Fred Smith       October 12, 2018   

Since our last visit on the radio, atmospheric conditions have not changed much. Dreary would be the best descriptor of the past several days.  
With the sun on sabbatical, about the only thing to brighten the daytime hours have been our on-going color extravaganza. Even at that, the autumnal sonata has been tempered somewhat as a couple days of pre-winter snippets reminded us of what life can be like at forty-eight degrees north.   
One night found the gales of November battering the county a few weeks early. Then twenty-four hours later, the first measurable snow laid a luster of purity on the northern landscape.                                                                                                                                                                            

Folks in the upper Trail dodged a bullet in regard to the howling wind storm. While the village and both directions along the Superior Shore were bashed with downed trees and massive power outages, damage out this way was minor in comparison. Nevertheless, branches were down and intermittent flickers in our power service kept us border country folks on edge for several hours. The gusts in the pines along the Gunflint Lake shore were convincing enough to send the Smith’s to the lower level for a time. Luckily, the big whites around here stood firm, green tops up.                                                                                                                                                             

Almost in a case of not to be out-done, another climactic character stepped up during the next diurnal segment. Although the weather service gave hints of such, few would have bet the forecast of white would occur. This time the prediction was right.                                                                          

Last Friday morning broke with a fresh coating of white with the flakes still coming down in this neighborhood. When all was said and done, a few hours later, two plus inches of the wet heavy stuff was recorded.                                                                                                                                                             

I have no reports from the mid-Trail snow zone, but I suspect folks residing in this area got even more, as they usually do. Friends reported the driving conditions on the Trail were treacherous as they headed into civilization, nearly prompting a turn-around to cancel their trip.                                                                                                                                                                                    
Some of the fall tokens have called it a year, but in spite of the early season weather oddities, the fall leaf spectacular has shown some true grit. A trip along the backcountry blacktop remains simply stunning, with a blur of birch and aspen gold flanking the Trail for most of the fifty-seven-mile journey.                                                                                                                                                                                     

My plans for getting some winter chores done during this mayhem were set aside temporarily as walks, steps and the deck had to be shoveled. How about that for October 5th? Although it’s been nothing to write home about, a slight warming has occurred since, and the white is gone.                                                                                                                                                               

With that, I’m back at the “getting ready for winter” list. Tasks are getting crossed off slowly. The most noteworthy jobs are finished, that being the boat and dock, and now the winterizing of the Wildfire Sprinkler Systems this past weekend. This being said, I was back into the lake water for the second consecutive weekend, leaky waders and all, burr! So now if the “great spirit of the north” wants to get serious about ice making, he can have at it!                                    

Speaking more of things fall, the last membership drive of the year for “the voice of the north,” is but days away. By this time next week, WTIP will be in the middle of their autumn fundraising endeavor.    
As in every audience canvassing and new member recruitment, this time remains as critical as the last in order to stay on budget for the year, and continue providing the quality programming radio listeners and cyberspace users have come to expect.    
The theme for this dollar pursuit is all about Sssssports!  Join the team and be a WTIP “All-Star.”                                                                                                                                                                                                  

The Wildersmith guy hopes all will be ready to open those wallets and purses as the excitement of another WTIP fund drive gets underway this coming Wednesday, October 17th. It’s easy as a click on the keyboard (, or toll-free telephone call (at 1-800-473-9847).       
On a final note, with “Moose Madness” just a week away, it’s appropriate to announce one of the iconic “twig eaters” has been making some marketing appearances up the Trail. I last observed the big guy in the wetland near the road to the old Blankenberg pit. Others have seen him too and are raving about the big rack hanging overhead.                                                                                        
It would seem a good time to get a little more Trail “leaf peeping “in, make a stop at the Chik-Wauk Campus and maybe by chance, catch a glimpse of this wonder of the woods.  I’m betting your chances are better at seeing Mr. Moose than they are at winning the current monster Powerball!                                                                                                                                                
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, whether cloudy or clear!



Northern Sky: Oct 13 - 28, 2018

Northern Sky - by Deane Morrison
October 13 - 28, 2018

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota.        
She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and in this feature, she shares what there is to see in the night sky in our region.

Deane Morrison’s column “Minnesota Starwatch” can be found on the University of Minnesota website at 

