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Wildersmith on the Gunflint - Dec 20
-Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith December 20, 2019
Our seasonal madness is clearly in focus as everyone is scurrying here and there to be ready. Being ready means different things to different people which often does not necessarily hone in on the true meaning of Christmas. However, no matter what the intent, I hope there can be a moment of quiet, at least for one day. Perhaps all of us can reflect with a little respect and love for our fellow man in these darkest of American times.
There have been some atmospheric happenings along the Trail since we last met on the radio. Whereas this end of the Trail had been on the short end of snow affairs, an unexpected dumping brought a fresh eight inches to this neighborhood. Further, subzero followed with mercury readings dipping to twenty below and a bit more in places, so one of my Gunflint Christmas wishes was delivered surprisingly early.
It was mentioned last week I would confirm the ice-on date for Gunflint Lake. While it appeared the 10th would be the likely date, “Mother Nature” had other plans. Winds on the 10th raised a ruckus opening things back up. The next day was a different story as both zero temperatures and quiet air combined to put on the final icing, therefore, December 11thgoes into my weather data bank. This is about the Gunflint Lake norm over the past four decades.
It’s amazing how so many get caught up in the magic of this season, and yours truly is no exception. I can possibly blame it on coming into the world on Christmas Eve while others seem to come down with the fever right after Halloween decorations give way to Christmas.
It’s just hard to resist humming the traditional tunes that dance through our heads in prelude to the night of all nights. In honor of this advent time, I’d like to share a rendition of an old favorite with a north woods twist. The lyrics will be a stretch, a composer I’m not, nor a warbler, I cannot carry a tune in a bucket. I’m certain all remember the melody and I invite you to hum along if the spirit is moving Titled, “The Twelve Days, of an up North Christmas,” here goes.
On the first day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On the second day of Christmas, the forest gave to me… two lynx a slinking…and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On the third day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On the fourth day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…four foxes trotting…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On fifth day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…five prowling wolves…four foxes trotting…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On the sixth day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…six gray jays begging…five wolves a prowling…four foxes trotting…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking…and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On seventh day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…seven ravens squawking…six gray jays begging…five wolves a prowling…four foxes trotting…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On the eighth day of Christmas, the forest gave to me… eight soaring eagles…seven ravens squawking…six gray jays begging…five wolves a prowling…four foxes trotting…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On ninth day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…nine blue jays yapping…eight soaring eagles…seven ravens squawking…six gray jays begging…five wolves a prowling…four foxes trotting…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On the tenth day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…ten black bears sleeping…nine blue jays yapping…eight eagles soaring…seven ravens squawking…six gray jays begging…five wolves a prowling…four foxes trotting…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree;
On the eleventh day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…eleven white tails browsing…ten black bears sleeping…nine blue jays yapping…eight eagles soaring…seven ravens squawking…six gray jays begging…five wolves a prowling…four foxes trotting…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
On the twelfth day of Christmas, the forest gave to me…twelve hidden moose…eleven white tails browsing…ten black bears sleeping…nine blue jays yapping…eight eagles soaring…seven ravens squawking…six gray jays begging…five wolves a prowling…four foxes trotting…three martens chasing…two lynx a slinking and a squirrel slipping up a tall tree:
Whew!!! That’s it, out of breath from humming to myself and keyboard digits are numb!!!
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is savored, wishing all the merriest of Christmas’, with love and peace on the greatest birthday of all!
Superior National Forest Update - Dec.20
-Superior National Forest Update with Steve Robertsen, Interpretation and Education Specialist.
December 20, 2019
Holiday songs by GES students
-Great Expectations School Bearcubs (kindergarten) and Fawns (first-graders) visited WTIP this week to sing holiday songs for you.
Wildersmith on the Gunflint - Dec 13
-Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
December 13, 2019
Spirits of the Gunflint are being reflected not only around our snow covered landscape, but from the heavens as well with the Ojibwe, “little spirit” moon shooting beams from afar to the forest floor.
The splendor of a lunar experience on a cold winter evening in this wild territory stirs of mystical romance. It’s like days of old, lounging in comfort around a hot wood burning stove with a cup of steaming beverage and either reading material in hand or contemplating the good or not so good tidings of humanity.
That’s the way life’s been along the historic old Gunflint Wagon Road as momentum builds for this special season of celebration.
A swell turn-out of Trail residents kicked off the Holiday Season last Saturday night at the Schapp Community Center. The hall was decked out in twinkling splendor, and folks were treated to a grand assortment of party appetizers and a fine dinner. Thanks to organizers from the GTVFD, EMT’s and Emergency Responders for a swell evening of friendly renewals and reminiscing.
While the territory does have a measure of white, we are experiencing a mini drought. Since our big snow dumping on November 21st, the Wildersmith neighborhood has collected a measly three and one-half inches through last weekend. As is often the case, the hinterland has seen the major snow producers hit in areas where residents don’t have the same appreciation as do we Gunflinters. A little more has been added since, but we need more snow!
As the Solstice of “Biboon” (winter) is nearing, more serious cold has finally settled over the area during the past few days. With the lake’s west end being frozen for about ten days, it’s a good bet preliminary ice skimming on the remainder of Gunflint Lake is a thing of the past. Ice thickening is underway in earnest with a shivering thermometer, and it looks like December 10 will be the date of record for the Gunflint in 2019. I’ll confirm next week.
On a related note, I have no hard water report from Saganaga Lake, but do have word Seagull Lake gave way to ice a couple weekends ago. Settling in for winter is always tough for the Gunflint Gal and her two big water cousins to the northwest.
But when the cold fitting begins, the process is seemingly supernatural as the first minute crinkle locks splintered fingers with another, then another and another and yet a zillion more. This is an exhilarating natural experience that most take for granted, and few ever get to observe.
This treasured resource can converse in distinct voice at various times of the year, and often will be quite a conversationalist. During a recent morning as daytime winds grew, the ice from darkness hour skimming bit by bit broke into fragments like shattered glass. The silence of the woods was broken at times, in deafening tones as mini-chards chimed against the granite shoreline in a xylophone and tambourine duet. This is much in contrast to the murmuring, screeching and thunderous clamor we will encounter after the icy coat thickens. Nevertheless, whether it is broken glass babel or a roar of ice on the move, water, in either state, is a cherished blessing. After all, “Water is Life!”
I don’t know if it is a sign of changing climatic times or not, but while we still have avian visitors, there just doesn’t seem to be as many as we’ve had in years past. Of particular note are chickadees and nuthatches. These little folk have been here in droves, but not this year to date. The only birds of consistent numbers of course are Blue Jays, with occasional Canadian Jays and a couple species of woodpeckers stopping by. Maybe with less than harsh weather to date the MIA’s are finding enough sustenance to get by. In any event, they are a missing part of north woods spirit.
If one hasn’t been in the Christmas spirit, such a condition could have moved into the positive by attending the Borealis Chorale and Orchestra Concert last Sunday or Monday. The local musical artists put on a stunning Holiday performance. Congratulations to all and thanks!
And if being in attendance at this event wasn’t inspiring enough, the Smith’s trek back to Wildersmith afterwards was like dreaming of a “white Christmas.” A starry, moon lit night on the snow covered Trail was reminiscent of “dashing through the snow” only with three hundred horses toting the load.
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, as we are waiting, waiting, waiting, for the “winter express” to slow to a stop over border country!
In the Spirit of Medicine - Dr. Arne Vainio "Silent Baby"
-"In the Spirit of Medicine" is a collection of essays by Dr Arne Vainio.
Dr Vainio is a family practice physician on the Fond Du Lac reservation in Cloquet, MN and an enrolled member of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe.
In this essay, "Silent Baby", Dr Vainio remembers Jeremy, an 8-month-old pediatric patient from his days as a medical student.
Sawtooth Mountain Elementary - School News, December 7
-Sawtooth Mountain Elementary - School News with Breanna and Weston.
December 6, 2019
Great Expectations School News - Dec 7
-Great Expectations School News with Grace and Eli.
December 7, 2019
Wildersmith on the Gunflint - December 7
-Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
December 6, 2019
Border country, like the rest of the universe, has turned the last page of chapter 2019. And here we are with verse one of December already etched into the annals of time.
The past Gunflint weekend was spent on the edge of our seats with all the hoopla of a white Armageddon. But alas, the far north of Minnesota was spared. It is realistic knowing weather predicting is far from a pure science, but once again, we Gunflinters were tricked with another “cry of wolf” gone bust.
While areas to the south got buried, and even though our skies looked the part, the Wildersmith neighborhood and on up the Trail, received barely a dusting. About the only thing positive about the scenario was neighbors and yours truly didn’t have to activate the snow shovel.
In the meantime, real Gunflint cold is still on sabbatical. Temps have remained relatively mild out this way. Thinking back to last year at this time, Gunflint Lake put on its solid winter coat on December 6 under subzero readings.
Gunflint Lake tried on her first icy fitting last Monday morning when still air and a wave of just below zero dipped down from Canada. But by days end, the frigidity gave way to sun and lite winds, as the skim turned to ripples. This suggests the grand old glacial basin is ready to get it on at the next shivering opportunity.
When such an “op” might happen could be a ways off as my daily check of temps north to Alaska indicates there is presently no serious polar air in North America. Perhaps we shouldn’t write an epitaph for “old man winter” yet. Maybe the Russians are just holding him hostage in Siberia, and the Gunflint could still be in the picture for a winter weather adventure, or two.
People activity remains quiet in the upper Trail. However, I see that cross country ski Trails are being groomed on what is a fairly shallow base. So swishing through the beautiful forest should be picking up. But power sledding is limited by snow depth and trail connections across questionable lake ice.
However, the Trail will come alive late Saturday afternoon in the mid-Trail area with the Holiday gathering at the Schaap Community Center. Gunflint friends and neighbors are invited to come out of the woods for the cheer beginning at 4:00 pm and lasting until 7:00 pm. The GTVFD will be providing everything but the conversation, so don’t miss out on the Gunflint Community spirit!
Another event reminder finds the Borealis Chorale and Orchestra Christmas Concert continuing its annual North Shore tradition. Performances take place this coming Sunday and Monday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Some of our Gunflint Trail neighbors are included in the cast of more than 100 County residents.
Colonel, the Fox, lit up our Thanksgiving Day with a visit. It seems she is becoming very attached to peaceful and abundant Wildersmith surroundings. Yes, it’s a foxy lady! Guess there’s going to have to be a moniker revision, any suggestions?
She was discovered in the AM cuddled up near the woodshop door, shortly before the Smith’s departed for Thanksgiving festivities at the “Congo” Church in the village. I was well prepared and doled out a few poultry morsels and left-over fries, and she was still gnawing on the goodies as we drove up the driveway.
Our late afternoon return found a furry surprise nestled in a snow bank not far from where we had last seen her. We raised her from napping as she uncoiled, gave a big yawn and stood on all fours for a stretch. It’s obvious she had spent most of the day anticipating our return. Not wanting to disappoint after the long wait, the breakfast fare was repeated as an early supper.
The charm of her beauty and mystery in those piercing gold eyes is a captivating experience. I’m sure there will be more chapters in this “wild neighborhood” saga.
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, and our natural world can be up-lifting with the simplest of wilderness engagements.
Superior National Forest Update - Dec. 07
-Superior National Forest Update with Steve Robertsen, Interpretation and Education Specialist with the USDA Forest Service.
December 7, 2019
Pack & Paddle - Scott Oeth - December
-Pack & Paddle
by Scott Oeth
December, 2019
In this edition, Scott tells us how to keep our feet warm in cold weather.