Community gathers for Memorial Day remembrance
Community members gathered on the Cook County courthouse on Monday, May 28 for an observance of Memorial Day. About 80 people were in attendance under bright sunny skies.
Commander Bob Mattson welcomed all and invited Liz Hall of Grand Marais forward to sing the National Anthem.
Mattson introduced guest speakers -- Pastor Kris Garey of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hovland and School District 166 Counselor Kris Hoffman. Paster Garey shared an opening and closing prayer. Hoffman spoke of his time in the U.S. Army with the 1st Minnesota Division and the significant history of that unit.
Commander Mattson then read names of veterans with connections to Cook County, in what he noted was "their final Roll Call." There were 32 names on the list. Each name was followed by a solemn peal of a bell and then two students from School District 166 played Taps in a stirring echo format.
WTIP's Rhonda Silence was there and she shares this report.