Community conversations: climate change impacts on North Shore fisheries
During the fall and winter of 2018-19, WTIP reported on a variety of topics related to climate change and its impact on fish, and fishing here in the North Shore area.
On Thursday, Jan. 17, WTIP’s Joe Freidrichs led a discussion about what climate change means from a variety of perspectives, including what is meant by “climate change” and when and if these changes will impact anglers and fish along the North Shore and other parts of northeastern Minnesota.
Joining Friedrichs for this discussion about climate change and what this means in Minnesota and specific to the North Shore were:
--Finland Area Fisheries Supervisor with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Dean Paron.
--Grand Marais Area Fisheries Supervisor for the DNR, Steve Persons.
--Tom Beery from Minnesota Sea Grant.
The show aired live at WTIP Jan. 17.