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School News from Birch Grove: March 3

Sophia and Silas report the latest School News.


UMD offers new journalism degree

The University of Minnesota Duluth will begin offering a new journalism degree starting next fall.


School News from Oshki Ogimaag: March 1

Matty reports the latest School News.


GES and ISD166 cooperate on sports and arts

Great Expectations School students also participate in many of the arts and athletic programs at Cook County Schools, ISD166. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with administrator Peter James.


Some capital expenditures need to be made at ISD166 despite budget crunch

The ISD166 school board met to discuss the legalities of a superintendent search as well as another close look at where budget cuts could be made.


Local educator nominated for 'Teacher of the Year' in Minnesota

ISD-166 Junior High Math Teacher Melissa Steele is currently up for a “Teacher of the Year Award” in the state of Minnesota.


The goals of a North Shore hockey captain

The season is winding down for the North Shore Storm girls’ hockey team this year. WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs has this story about the team’s captain, Madison Roy.