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AEOA conducts homelessness survey

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The Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA) is taking part in a national effort to record the number of homeless people in the area. Anita Jeziah of AEOA and Tina Krauz of the Salvation Army will be completing the survey on Thursday, January 27.

They remind everyone that not everyone who is homeless lives on the streets. There are people “doubling up” with friends and relatives, living in cars or in abandoned, inappropriate structures. AEOA would like to see these people counted. If you are aware of someone who is homeless, please contact Jeziah at 218-387-4547 or email [email protected].

To learn more about past survey results and about the efforts to solve the problem of homelessness, visit  the Minnesota Homeless Study or Heading Home

Rhonda Silence finds out more about the point-in-time survey in this interview.

Photo/Drew Beck, Flickr
